Welcome to this week's newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.
Zimmer and Peacock visited the microbial biofuel cell laboratory at the University of Bath
Zimmer and Peacock had a chance to visit the Microbial Biofuel Cell (MFC) laboratory at the University of Bath. The group is coordinated by the professor Mirella Di Lorenzo and focuses on the development of cells for Rapid Water Quality Analysis and Implantable Medical Devices.
Find out more on our website here.

Electrochemical polymerisation with polypyrrole on a Zimmer & Peacock Screen Printed Electrodes
In some of our latest videos we discuss performing electropolymerization on Zimmer and Peacock screen-printed electrodes and how to do it.
The electrochemical polymerization of polypyrrole in lithium perchlorate was performed on Z&P Screen Printed Electrodes. The working surface was in gold and had two kinds of designs, the "classic" circular and the new cutting-edge "spiral" by increasing the current density on the electrode surface.
Visit our website to find out more and watch the videos.

Zimmer and Peacock at the 5th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology in Italy
Zimmer and Peacock recently attended the 5th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology.
This unique event is designed for visitors to meet new contacts interested in developing bio-sensing technologies and is an opportunity for industrial and academic players (companies, research centres, organisations and universities) to explore scientific and/or business-oriented issues, forge new relationships and meet potential partners. Meeting organisations from different countries through a process of pre-scheduled, 20 minute, one to one, qualified meetings promotes the creation of new R&D, technological and commercial partnerships.
We had the pleasure to meet and establish strong collaboration with TU Berlin in Germany and OIST in Japan. Please do not hesitate to contact us about our products and services.

Zimmer and Peacock - Monday Meetings by Cloud Video Conferencing
At Zimmer and Peacock we have over 20 employees distributed over three countries and two continents, but it is still important for us to regularly meet, to see each other and to be able to have high quality visual and audio.
This image is a screen shot from a recent Monday morning meeting where some of the team are in a main meeting room, whilst a number of us are calling in from peripheral sites.
At Zimmer and peacock we believe in the power of Virtual Meeting Rooms for efficient, remote and yet still personalised meetings.

ZP Director accepted to EPSRC Associate Peer Review College
Zimmer and Peacock are deeply committed to the biosensor and medical diagnostic community and so today we are delighted have one of our directors accepted to the EPSRC Associate Peer Review Committee.
ZP is committed to moving the biosensor and medical diagnostics technologies forward.

California - ZP become Zahner CA Distributor
Zimmer and Peacock are successful distributors of Zahner instruments in the UK, Ireland and Scandinavia. We are delighted to be awarded distributorship of Zahner's instruments in California, as part of the Zahner and Admiral Instruments coalition.
If you are located in California and have questions regarding Zahner's potentiostats and EIS technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.

Microbial Fuel Cells
Microbial fuel cells (MFC) are among our interests at Zimmer and Peacock, hence why we are promoter of Squidstats from Admiral Instruments.
The Squidstat Prime was designed with MFC researchers in mind, and so has several features that are of unique interest to microbial fuel cell community.
Find out more on our website.

A scientific achievement in electrochemical biosensing from Pavel Zhurauski of Zimmer & Peacock
We would like to say a huge congratulations to Pavel Zhurauski, a member of the Zimmer and Peacock team, for his recent scientific publication in the prestigious journal Sensors and Actuators within the chemical section.
The work was realised during Pavel's MPhil in Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Bath, where the programme focused on the development of electrochemical-optical biosensors for the detection of cancer biomarkers.
To read the full paper visit our website.

Sara: A Cloud Server communicating with Electrochemical Instruments in the field
Zimmer and Peacock have developed Sara; a Cloud database for updating our Electrochemical Workstations in the field.
The intention is that our customers and collaborators can go to market with a system based on the Ana Pot Extra from Zimmer and Peacock and have the ability to push new software versions, new calibration values etc to the instruments in the field.
Sara works in combination with Ana Pot and Tina our multi-purpose iOS.

Tina: iOS Multi-Purpose App for Biosensor and Medical Diagnostic Development
Zimmer and Peacock have completed the development on Tina, a multi-purpose iOS application for biosensor and medical diagnostic development. The configurability of Tina is designed to get Zimmer and Peacock's clients to market ASAP.
To find out more please click here.

Zimmer and Peacock presenting the revolutionary products at the American Diabetes Association symposium in San Diego
Zimmer and Peacock had the pleasure of presenting their cutting-edge technologies in the point of care medical diagnostics at the ADA symposium on diabetes in San Diego, CA.
The American Diabetes Association has been fully endorsed by EthicalMedTech after undergoing the conference vetting process which examines the program and services offered during Scientific Sessions.
Next year we are looking forward to attending the 78th Scientific Sessions, June 22-26 2018, in Orlando, Florida!