Welcome to this week's newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.
How to calculate the price of a customized screen printed electrode?
In this video Zimmer and Peacock demonstrate the use of our online calculator for pricing custom screen printed electrodes and we talk about factors that affect price. Please click on the video to make it full screen.
Zimmer and Peacock is an extremely friendly company and we love to help people so please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Characterisation of the equivalent circuit with Zimmer and Peacock validation sensors
Zimmer and Peacock received an enquiry from a client to evaluate the Electrochemical Impedance response from AnaPot EIS connected to an equivalent sensor that was representative of their assay.
The equivalent circuit in consideration is R1(C1(R2C2)) in which the solution resistance R1 is in series with two parallel branches: one is just membrane capacitance, the other one is series R2, C2 circuit.
Zimmer and Peacock constructed a validation sensor with the electrical components similar in value to this specified by the client; we then tested the validation sensor on the Ana Pot EIS by scanning from 100 mHz to 1 MHz, and collecting approximately 20 to 30 frequency points for evaluation. The results are shown below.

Pixel Characterization of a Protein-Based Retinal Implant Using a Microfabricated Sensor Array
Zimmer and Peacock's scientist Dr Andre Fernandez is an author on a recently published paper, where the scientists were developing a next generation implant for patients with degenerative eye conditions.
The device involved an array of microelectrodes where a photosensitive reaction caused a proton gradient that activated individual electrodes within the array, the combination of ON/OFF states within the array produced the final image. Visit our website to request a copy from the author.

GW4 Biosensor Network
Zimmer and Peacock will be attending the GW4 Biosensor Workshop. The GW4 Biosensor Network (gw4biosensor.net) brings together researchers from different disciplines with an interest in biosensors.
The GW4 Biosensor Network has organised a series of meetings, the first in Bath, the second a sandpit event in Cardiff, the 3rd in Bristol and this forth meeting will be held in Exeter. This will be an open workshop, with participation from academics, postdoctoral researchers and research students from the four Universities. The main objective of this 1-day workshop is to provide a way of disseminating across the GW4 biosensor community the research being done by the different groups, establish links and networking.
In particular it will introduce recent appointments in the field of biosensors in Exeter within the recently launched Living Systems Institute.
The event is free and open to anyone within the GW4 Universities with an interest in biosensors. There will be slots for oral and poster presentations.
Visit our website to meet us at the workshop.

Resources for Biosensing Development and Manufacturing
Zimmer and Peacock have reconfigured the resources on our website to make is it easier for those doing biosensor development and manufacturing to find relevant information. Click here to find out more.