Newsletter April 6

Welcome to this week's newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.

We are hiring


Zimmer and Peacock are a fast growing and innovative biosensor development and manufacturing business, please visit our website to see our vacancies.

Parallel Potentiostats


At Zimmer and Peacock we test electrodes, sensors, biosensors and medical diagnostics in a parallel. We do this because we are contract developers and manufacturers and need large amounts of high quality electrochemical data upon which we can make technical decisions and ultimately get our clients and collaborators to make.


This makes us unique as a reseller and distributor of potentiostats, as we are real users of the equipment we sell and recommend.


When you buy a Zahner, PalmSens, Whistonbrook or Admiral parallel or multiplex potentiostat from Zimmer and Peacock you are buying both the potentiostat but also the real world experience of Zimmer and Peacock on how to get good data from the instruments.


We sell parallel potentiostats based on your: application, your need and your budget. Contact Zimmer and Peacock today to discuss: Zahner, PalmSens, Whistonbrook or Admiral 

Not pretty but effective - parallel sensor testing


At ZP we are high volume sensor, biosensor and medical diagnostic contract manufacturers; we are also contract developers.


We always have a sense of urgency and so though we like to set up elegant experiments sometimes we need the data in a hurry so our clients can get to  market ASAP.


In this video we show a quick set up to test a high number of sensors in parallel.

ZP - microfluidics ChipShop


Zimmer and Peacock know that sensors, biosensors and medical diagnostics require great assays and great microfluidics, which is why we are delighted to expand our capabilities in microfluidics by representing the microfluidics ChipShop.


Zimmer and Peacock are steeped in microfluidics and so it you have any questions regarding medical diagnostics and microfluidics please don't hesitate to contact us.

Sensors - Electrical, chemical and mechanical properties


At Zimmer and Peacock we are always happy to give technical advice when choosing from our product range. We recently had an enquiry where the scientist was looking for chemically resistant screen printed electrodes. Find out our response on our website here