Newsletter September 1

Welcome to this week's newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.

Does size matter?- understanding size/area effect on your biosensor


In the table below we have the areas (cm2) of our standard electrodes. This means that with all things being equal then the electrochemical signal from one a sensors changes as a scientist uses these different electrodes, assuming that area is part of the signal intensity. 


From the table with all parameters otherwise being constant we would expect the signal gathered on a ZP101 sensor to be approximately 18.5 times greater than that gathered on the ZP104.


The reason that ZP has different sizes of electrodes is that we expect all our customers to eventually go to market and so an important question will be 'how big does your sensor need to be?' The reason we ask the question is for a number of reasons including:


1. We can generally reduce the cost of the mass produced sensors as we reduce their size. 

2. Many of our clients and collaborators are working in continuous monitoring biosensors including continuous glucose monitoring and continuous lactate monitoring where the sensors will be implanted and so there small sensors are a necessity.


Zimmer and Peacock are expert contract developers and manufacturers of biosensors, medical diagnostics and continuous monitoring glucose and lactate technologies, if you have any questions regarding these technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.

Zimmer and Peacock - Norway Team Bonding


A Friday afternoon in Norway and the Zimmer and Peacock biosensor and medical diagnostic development and manufacturing team are hard at it brainstorming the next generation of biosensors.


If you have any questions on how our team of scientists and engineers can design, develop and manufacture your next generation of sensors please don't hesitate to contact us, we look forward to hearing from you

Zimmer and Peacock launches the ZP Chilli Technology Group.


At Zimmer and Peacock we have a commitment to support our customers and clients and so  having recently licensed a Chilli Hotness Technology from the University of Oxford we are proudly launching our new website to support the products and services we are bringing to the Chill Production Industry.


The licensing of technology from academia is a central tenant of ZP and we discuss it when we're out and about with customers and clients; this licensing deal demonstrates ZP commitment to translating technology from academia and into real world application.


When asked why we are different ZP always answers 'because we are working hard to make our clients and customers successful'.

ZP signs an exclusive licence with the University of Oxford and Oxford Innovations


Today Zimmer and Peacock is delighted to announce that is has been award the exclusive worldwide licence by Oxford Innovation to the Chilli hotness technology invested by the Compton Group at the University of Oxford.


The Compton Group's technology allows for the quick and easy measurement of a chilli/chill products spicy heat/pungency, which is reported as the Scoville Heat Unit (SHU).


Zimmer and Peacock are delighted to commercialise this invention as the ChilliPot. Find out more on our website here

ChilliPot - Chilli hotness sensor


ChilliPot is the world's first commercial quick test for measuring the hotness of chillies and chilli products.


The ChilliPot technology was invented  by the Compton Group at the University of Oxford and is exclusively licensed to Zimmer and Peacock. Find out more on our website here