Intellectual Property and Large Corporations

ZP works on small programs with larger corporate clients by opening   up budget blocks  of 111 hours, and working through them.  The 111 hours is a time and materials effort, and so ZP remains flexible and we are able to adapt during the beginning, middle and near the end of the programme to shift the effort during the programme based on commercial needs and findings and outcomes during the programme.  


If the client requires an upfront programme plan with an input of ideas from ZP, before committing to a programme then the potential client should consider a micro and/or mini budget.


Work performed by ZP in planning or creating  scientific input that is performed on ZP’s budget is reasonably assumed to be ZP’s property and so unpaid work is ZP's property w creates ZP’s background IP.


Requesting unpaid effort from ZP creates a situation where ZP is creating Intellectual Property and Inventions, that would belong to ZP. This could hinder the potential client from commissioning the same work from internal partners or external third parties as they could be exploiting the intellectual property of ZP.


It is more prudent when requesting plans and intellectual scientific input from ZP to commission ZP for the work, so that the output counts as foreground IP, and then the client has a financial basis upon which to make a clean claim upon such work and ideas. 


The financial risk of clients can be controlled through commissioning blocks of work in line with the buttons below.