The ZP Group is under going massive growth, but we know that the foundation of growth is having excellent clients and an excellent team, where our team is delivering world leading services and products to our clients.
For the ZP Group growth to be sustainable we fully appreciate that we have to increase our team and our network and so we are reaching out through our primary, secondary and tertiary connections for individuals who can participate in leading our spin out ventures.
We have a number of internal and external programs within the ZP group that are maturing and will require substantial funding, but ZP understands that funding needs to be linked to an effective CEO; that is why ZP is reaching out through our network for people with the intelligence, drive and organisational skills to be part of seeding and running new ventures.
The ZP Group is focused on electrochemical biosensors and the real world applications of these sensors, so please assume that you would be coming into a rich ecosystem of engineering and scientists centered around the deployment of sensor and the delivery of sensing data into business and/or consumer actionable information.
At ZP we know that the conversion of world beating capability into market ready products and services will take great leadership, energy and focus from individual who can share a vision.
If you want to start exploring the next step in your life, with a view to seeding and running a business, please don’t hesitate to contact Even or Martin through linked in.