Welcome to this week's newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.
100 micrometer electrodes
At Zimmer and Peacock we love electrochemistry as it offers a low cost sensor, biosensor and medical diagnostic.
In the adjacent image we show an electrochemical based sensor under a microscope, where it can be seen that the features of the electrode are on the order of 100 micrometers, which is the width of a human hair.

ZP expands labs
We are focused on productising and commercialising our collaborators projects and products in sensors, biosensors and medical diagnostics. As part of the effort we are often called upon to do lab work, so we have had to expand our labs to cope with the increase in business.

ZP expands into Indonesia
A central tenant at Zimmer and Peacock is to be an internal company and so were delighted to make new friends and contacts in Indonesia.

ZP Speak at International Conference on Agricultural Post Harvest
Zimmer and Peacock were delighted to attend and speak at the International conference on Agricultural and Postharvest Handling and Processing.
We talked about our willingness to partner on product development and manufacturing, and used our Chilli Sensor as the perfect case study.

The future is already wearables
At Zimmer and Peacock we are actively supporting wearable biosensor technologies through our contract development and manufacturing services; so that designers, engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs can incorporate biochemical assays into their smart devices, garments and health trackers.
Find out more about our standard biosensors on our website, these formulations can be moved onto our wearable platform.
Making electrical connection with our/your CGM sensor
Zimmer and Peacock are a world leading contract sensor, biosensor and medical diagnostics development and manufacturing company, including continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).
At Zimmer and Peacock we understand the importance of making a great electrical connection to a CGM sensor and so alongside our CGM sensors we ship connectors so people can start their in-vitro studies more successfully.

ZP - All carbon pH electrode
Zimmer and Peacock manufactures disposable pH sensors for single and continuous use. We have just expanded the range by manufacturing an all carbon version.

ZP Sponsoring BioEl2019 International Winterschool on Bioelectronics
Zimmer and Peacock are the world leader contract developer and manufacturer of sensors and biosensors, so we are product to be sponsoring the BIOEI 2019 conference.