Welcome to this week's newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.
Expensive probes replaced by screen-printed electrodes
Expensive probe sensors are used throughout industry, including the water industry, food industry, pharmaceutical industry etc.
The issue with these probes is that they are often complex and therefore expensive to manufacture, and this expense means they cannot be used and discarded, but rather they have to be calibrated, used, decontaminated, recalibrated and re-used.
At Zimmer and Peacock we are helping clients, move away from traditional probes for total dissolved solids, pH etc by displacing them with screen printed equivalent electrodes.
When manufactured at volumes these screen printed equivalent electrodes can be factory pre-calibrated, used once by the customer and immediately discarded.

ZP sponsoring I3S - Taiwan
Zimmer and Peacock are sponsors and exhibitor at I3S 2018.
Zimmer and Peacock are contract developers and manufacturers of biosensors and bioelectronic devices and so we are delighted to participate in I3S 2018.

Bio-Inspired Magnetic Systems
Zimmer and Peacock will be speaking at the Bio-Inspired Magnetic Systems workshop 2018 at Exeter.
This thematic workshop focuses on the magnetically actuated and controlled microscopic systems enabling a range of actions at Low Reynolds number. From micro-robots and self-propelled swimmers to microfluidic and lab-on-a-chip technology, it will cover a range of topics which are of great interest in both fundamental and applied Physics. As well as world-leading experts in the field, including the confirmed invited speakers, the workshop aims at postgraduate and early careers researchers to maximise the exchange of knowledge and to provide a new platform for the development of new collaborations in this exciting scientific field.

ZP in Miami
The ZP team and our scientific advisors were out and about in downtown Miami this week.
The guys were at the Biosensors Congress 2018, attending the lectures and presenting posters.
ZP is the world's leading contract biosensor development and manufacturing business, where we develop, manufacture and commercialize our clients' ideas.

Silver/Silver Chloride contamination of working electrode
If you are using screen printed electrodes, either made inhouse or from a third party you may find peaks near 0 V when you run a cyclic voltammogram. What you are seeing is the spillage/contamination of the working electrode by the ink/paste used to make your reference electrode.
If you have data that looks like that in the adjacent image then please contact Zimmer and Peacock for an explanation and a fix.

Advanced Microfluidics - Biosensors Congress 2018
AMF joined ZP at their stand at the Biosensors Congress 2018 in Miami this week.
In the video we introduce their flagship product, a pump with a minimised dead-volume.
Pavel Zhurauski presenting a poster at Biosensors Congress 2018 Miami
This week part of the ZP team were in Miami at the Biosensors Congress 2018, where Pavel Zhurauski presented his work on biosensors.

ZP's scientific advisor Erik Johannessen with us in Miami
This week part of the ZP team was in Miami with our scientific advisor Professor Erik Johannessen.
ZP was at the 2018 Biosensors Congress. This was a hectic week of science, technology and business.