Recently our technical sales manager Pavel Zhurauski had a scientific publication regarding the work he performed during a Marie-Curie International Training Network PROSENSE.
In this paper we report the development of a simple and powerful capacitive aptasensor for the detection and quantification of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), which is a biomarker for breast cancer, in undiluted serum.
A thiol terminated DNA aptamer with affinity for HER2, was used to prepare the bio-recognition layer via self-assembly on interdigitated gold electrodes. Non-specific binding was prevented by blocking the free spaces on the surface with a saline-tween 20 blocker. The sensor was characterized using cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), atomic force microscopy and contact angle studies. Non-Faradic EIS measurements were utilized to investigate the sensor performance via monitoring of the changes in capacitance. The aptasensor exhibited logarithmically detection of HER2 from 1 pM to 100 nM in both buffer and undiluted serum with limits of detection lower than 1 pM. The results paved the way for aptamer-based biosensors for protein biomarkers detection in undiluted serum.
Zimmer and Peacock Ltd is delighted to support , manufacture and commercialise biosensors and medical diagnostic technologies.