100 mm/4 inch wafer holder

The wafer holder allows:


  • The frontside of the wafer to be wetted, whilst isolating the backside of the wafer from the solution.
  • A voltage/current to be applied to the wafer for an active electrochemical type process to be performed, an auxiliary electrode is required to complete the circuit and allowing the voltage to be applied or a current passed.

Zimmer and Peacock is one of the leading contract  developers and contract manufacturers of biosensors, MEMS and BIOMEMS, as part of our contract development and contract manufacturing capabilities we perform wafer level processes and hence we have a wafer holder for wafer level processing, including: electroplating, electropolymerization, electrodeposition etc, see a video of construction.

100 mm/4 inch wafer holder

100 mm/4 inch wafer holder for wafer processing

3.000,00 €

  • Available
  • Generally ships within 3-4 weeks
ZP1001596 - ZP_4inch_Wafer_Holder_v2.PDF
Adobe Acrobat Document 399.2 KB

Custom wafer holder

Custom wafer holder for wafer processing

6.000,00 €

  • Available
  • Generally ships within 3-4 weeks